Happy Memorial Day to you! I hope you’ve all had a nice weekend. Here was our weekend in photos:
My Friday started with a trip to the salon. I needed to get rid of my blah hair!
After! Thanks to Jenny @ Rize Salon for the new ‘do!
Next on the agenda was dinner at Southern Hospitality. We started with Fried Pickles (not pictured) and split the Rocky Mountain Combo. The ribs and frickles were good!
For dessert we split, 80/20 in my favor, the Banana Pudding. It was quite tasty. Dinner was followed up with watching Salmon Fishing in the Yemen, it was a pretty good flick!
Saturday morning, we hopped in our new ride and headed to our old house to do some more cleaning and to pick up plants at Lowes.
There were so many plant options!
Somehow we managed to narrow it down.
We now have herbs: basil, thyme, rosemary, and oregano.
A Roma tomato plant and Hydrangeas, my favorite!
Hooray for urban gardens! I planted some chives, wild flowers, and Forget Me Nots, too!
The wild flowers have already started growing. My thumb might be semi-green! *knock on wood
It’s time for Sun Tea!
After a long day, Biker Jim’s was in order. My Louisiana Red Hots dog with cream cheese and onions hit the spot. The hand cut potato chips were fantastic too!
Sunday led to more work at the old house and a marathon of Arrested Development. Frozen bananas were a must.
The night was capped off with a nice view of fireworks!
All of the lights 🙂
A cloudy sky on Memorial Day, but not enough to block out the mountains.
Cranes, however, love to block the mountains.
Memorial Day was filled with sprucing up our new place. We got the chest Josh made in high school all cleaned up and it found a new home in our bedroom.
Pictures are happily on the wall now.
The guest bedroom is much cleaner and ready for guests!
The shelves separating the dining room and the living room are better organized.
Now what to do with this area?? Suggestions are more than welcome!
The living room has been moved around a couple of times now, but we’ve settled on this setup.
The espresso maker has yet to be used, but we did buy beans for it this weekend, so it will get put to use soon!
I’m in need of suggestions for filling these cubby holes by the wine fridge. Baskets?
And more suggestions needed for the area above the cabinets. Should I just leave it empty??
My desk sadly didn’t survive the move, so while we await a new one I have been working off the kitchen table. My work area did not get cleaned today. Hot mess!
Here’s the spot where my new office will be.
More pictures were hung. But wait, are those maps you ask? Why yes, I got crafty and stitched where we were born, raised, and lived on four maps and Josh made frames for each map!
and Iowa!
Yay! This project was dreamed up over a year ago and I finally got around to finishing them up and hanging them.
I would call this weekend a success! Now onto a short work week. 🙂 Have a great night!
Hi Melissa!! Those pictures were awesome!! Thank you so much for sharing your weekend–we miss you both so much. Hope to see you soon.
Clay & Roxanne
We miss you both too! Hope you had a nice weekend 🙂