Happy Friday to you! I don’t know about you, but I’m ready for the weekend! I plan on relaxing, getting rid of this cold for good, doing some crafts, and hopefully getting back into the kitchen! How are you going to spend your first weekend of 2013? Doesn’t the new year make you feel ambitious? Now that I’m (fingers crossed) feeling better, I feel like tackling the world! Please remind me of this throughout the year. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend! Please enjoy my favorite things from around the Interwebs in this week’s Friday Favorites.
***click on the red text to be led to the sources of my favorites
Favorite Salad: Detox Salad. Loaded with veggies, sunflower seeds, lemon, and flavor this salad looks like a great way to kick off the new year right!
Favorite Purse: Jessica Simpson’s Jet Setter Glitter Tote. This is fun! Am I right or am I right?
Favorite Bars: Peanut Brittle Blondies. Peanut Brittle and Blondies, what a fantastic combo!
Favorite Folding Guide: How to fold sheets into a nice little bundle. I must do this!
Favorite Drink: White Hot Chocolate. I love how creamy white chocolate is! Looks dreamy, doesn’t it?
Favorite Scarf: DIY Buttoned Up Infinity Scarf. Fantastic! I have some old scarves that could use some sprucing up!
Favorite Small Dessert: Cannoli Cups. Now wouldn’t this be an adorable dessert for a small gathering?
Favorite Dream Kitchen Feature: Pop-up Cabinet for Mixer. Save counter space with this cabinet! I’m also loving the copper mixer. Swoon!
Favorite Appetizer: Mozzarella Cheese Bites. These remind me of cheese balls (or do you call them curds?). You could easily switch up the mozzarella with cheddar cheese string cheese sticks. Btw, Josh & I tried to order cheese balls at Dairy Queen last weekend and they didn’t have them at the DQ in Brighton!! DQ fail! We ended up not ordering anything and my hankering for cheese balls has only intensified this week.
Favorite Nails: Essie’s Going Incognito. Confession: I’m loving everything hunter green at the moment.
Favorite Pop: Cheesecake-Flavored Cake Pops. Have you ever made, eaten, or seen cake pops? I’m gonna guess that your answer is yes. Cheesecake flavored dessert on a stick…umm, yes please!!!
Favorite Really?!: How to grow an Avocado tree at home. Seriously?! I can grow an avocado tree in my house?! Out of a glass?! I mean, I knew that Avocados didn’t just magically show up in the produce department for my buying pleasure…but I can grow them at home?! I am trying this immediately.
Favorite Fries: Garlic Truffle Fries. French fries with white truffle oil, people! Now that’s a fancy fry.
Favorite Declutter Project: Organize recipes from books, magazines, internet printouts, recipe cards, etc into one binder. I should probably do this. I have a bunch of Food & Wine magazines that I’m saving for only a handful of recipes. Time to declutter. P.S.-check out some of the other declutter tips in this link, there are 20 of them!
Favorite Soup: Roasted Cauliflower & Cheddar Soup. Being sick this week has made me really want a big bowl of soup. This cauliflower & cheddar soup looks healthy & hearty.
Favorite App Helper: I’ve not used Instagram to its fullest potential, so I’m loving this guide to getting the most out of the snap-happy app!
Favorite Cake: Pink & White Layered Sprinkle Cake with Mararons. Would you look at how gorgeous this cake is?!
Favorite Funny: What if Dora the Explorer was an action movie? I found this so ridiculous, I just had to share!
Thanks for the linkback
I am all over that avocado tree. Like, seriously? That’s actually possible?!
Thanks for the detox salad recipe! After all of the cookies I ate over the holiday season, I really need it.
And the avocado tree…I know, right?! I already have a pit drying, I can’t wait to see if it really works. I’ll make sure to post an update when I find out!